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Fund activities


Scholarship Programs

Keren Hanan Aynor’s scholarship recipients are consistently a diverse group coming from areas all over Israel and enrolled in a large variety of fields and higher academic institutions.

Many of our students are married and raising families while in school and most are balancing at least one job in addition to their studies.

What our students share in common is an intense drive and motivation to work hard and to succeed and ultimately to serve as role models for their families, communities, and Israeli society at large.  

"Adopt a student "Scholarship

Keren Hanan Aynor offers a special opportunity for those interested in supporting our talented and motivated students to acquire academic degrees and achieve their dreams. This program enables a sponsor or group of sponsors to designate a named scholarship on behalf of one or several students. Scholarship sponsors may select students from a particular geographic location or may choose to focus their scholarship on students enrolled in a particular field.

These scholarships enable you to be in direct contact with the student(s) whose studies you are supporting and to establish personal relationships with them over the course of their degrees. 

Special scholarships

The Elke Aynor (z”l) Scholarship
Elke Aynor, the daughter-in-law of Hanan Aynor, immigrated to Israel from Mexico in 1981. She worked for Israeli television and ran several educational programs in Jerusalem with various organizations. In her memory, and to encourage Ethiopian Israeli students to study Communications (Journalism, Television, Radio, Film, etc.), Keren Hanan Aynor has established a scholarship for an outstanding student in this field.    

The Yona Bogale Scholarship
“My brother is the Herzl of the entire continent of Africa.  He gave his soul for the Jews of Ethiopia”, recounts Colonel Metaku Bogale, age 70, formerly the Police Department Head in the Ethiopian  county of Shewa.  His brother is Yona Bogale, the mythological leader of the Ethiopian Jewish people, who was buried in the Jerusalem cemetery. Just recently, we commemorated  twenty years since his death and the Municipality of Rehovot named a school in his memory.

Benad Avital, of blessed memory Scholarship

Founding partner of Keren Hanan Aynor and Chairman of the foundation during its first 10 years.
Benad was born in England, served in the British Army toward the end of World War I and immigrated to Israel in 1950, immediately after his marriage to Miriam.
He served as a diplomat in the Foreign Ministry, where his friendship with Hanan and Sara Aynor was forged.
At the beginning of the 1980’s, he was sent to Africa to oversee Israeli affairs on the Ivory Coast. The overall objective was to renew the diplomatic relations with the African countries, as they had cut off their ties with the State of Israel during the Yom Kippur War. The breakthrough occurred when relations were renewed with Liberia, after which several other African countries followed suit.

Prior to his retirement, Benad served as Israel’s ambassador to Thailand and Singapore.

The “Trail-Blazer” Scholarship
These scholarships are given by Keren Hanan Aynor to students who are beginning studies in a specialized field that is new to Ethiopian students. The scholarship is intended to inspire students to expand their creative horizons and to become “trail blazers” for their community.


This year KHA has a special program in cooperation with “Start-Up”. The program begins its seventh year of operations in the South of Israel and seeks to advance higher education amongst young Ethiopian Isarelis.

Students, who meet the following criteria can participate in the program:

Hadassah Academic College

Hadassah Academic College is one of the top academic institutions in Israel. The college is recognized by the Council for Higher Education and its tuition is parallel to the universities. It views itself as a leading academy in a constantly-changing world and as such, places emphasis on relevant academic programs aimed at providing students with the tools for long-term development in the employment market. In its 43 years of operation, the college has trained thousands of graduates in various fields. Today, there are 13 academic programs for Bachelor’s degrees in a variety of disciplines: computer sciences, medical laboratory sciences, environmental sciences, biotechnology, optometry sciences, communication disorders, social work, photographic communications, inclusive industrial design, politics and communications, economics and accounting, behavioral sciences and management of service organizations. In addition, there are four scholastic programs for Master’s degrees in optometry sciences, communication disorders, computer sciences and management of service organizations.

As part of the college’s extensive efforts to make higher education accessible to broader populations, it operates several different pre-academic preparatory programs that assist young adults who lack the prerequisites for acceptance by academic programs. Not only does the college teach ensure that its students leave with excellent academic and professional tools, it also takes responsibility by actively working to integrate its students and graduates into the work force. Therefore, over five years ago, the Center for Career Management was opened, based on the understanding that during their studies and in the years following completion of their degrees, students can benefit significantly from guidance in their first steps toward integration into the work force, with job offers, placements, employer connections, workshops and more.

In 2024, we awarded 504 scholarships according to the following segments:

The number of scholarships by years:

תשנ”ד – 5
תשנ”ה – 11
תשנ”ו – 21
תשנ”ז – 80
תשנ”ח – 120
תשנ”ט – 139
תש”ס  – 176
תשס”א  – 230
תשס”ב – 236
תשס”ג – 270
תשס”ד – 270
תשס”ה  – 258
תשס”ו – 246
תשס”ז – 212
תשס”ח – 163
תשס”ט –  130
תש”ע – 150
תשע”א – 102
תשע”ב – 100
תשע”ג – 141
תשע”ד – 73
תשע”ה – 67
תשע”ו – 92
תשע”ז – 178
תשע”ח – 138
תשע”ט – 240
תש”פ – 306
תשפ”א – 418
תשפ”ב – 365
תשפ”ג – 409
תשפ”ד – 504